Axe Slayer Yumi is a fantasy comedy about the adventures of an axe-wielding girl named Yumi. Possessed of great physical strength and fortitude and an unfettered enthusiasm monster hunting and making money, she makes her way through Emsvale, the Land of Four Emmas, taking on jobs both big and small. She is accompanied by fellow Axe Slayer Guild member, the veteran Rolf, and his long-time companion Sven, a member of the Broken Blade Guild.
Yumi's story unfolds and is told from the point of view of Rolfe and Sven.
Axe Slayer Yumi is a free ebook and will remain as such even after the three books planned by the author have been written and published. It is the author's intention to publish the ebook in two formats: pdf and epub.
As mentioned, three books have been planned for Axe Slayer Yumi. Depending on the circumstances however, the author is open to the notion of continuing the series and as such, more books just might be in the offing. As the author's favorite saying goes, "We'll see."
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