Wednesday, December 2, 2020


With a grunt and a bellow, the Rabid Ring-Tailed Badger Bear righted itself and turned around for another charge only to be confronted by the sight of a heavily-armored adventurer running straight towards it.

Of course, it had no idea what an adventurer was. It had seen these things before and so was somewhat familiar with then and the different removable skins they came in but other than that, it did not know what manner of animal these two-legged creatures were for they were not part of the lessons its mother had seen fit to teach it when it was young and having come upon as an adult.

It did know what a monkey was and these creatures did resemble monkeys if it squinted hard enough. They certainly behaved and smelled like monkeys, that’s for sure.

It could have sworn there were more than one though. More than one of these thieving monkeys that dared disturbed its repast. There it was innocently minding its own business like any good badger should be, having awoken from its nap but moments ago and had started anew on the remains of its favorite meal, the dire goat -- there were two in fact but they were so good that it had eaten most of them in one sitting and what leavings remained were still good to the last bite -- when what should it hear but a loud roaring call that echoed across the fields. Clearly it was a challenge of some sort, one that no self-respecting badger bear would even think of shying away from.

It had risen to the taunts of the challenger, whatever it was. It could not quite identify what it was but it was certain to be a most formidable foe judging from the sound of its cry.

But it had all been a ruse. A trap. It was tricked by these monkey-like things that walked on two legs for no sooner had it set out to look for the interloper that it found itself falling into a dark pit dug into the earth and covered with leaves and branches and soil, the bottom bristling with spikes that absolutely stunk of monkey.

To say that it was scandalized by such treachery and abject cowardice would be putting it mildly. This was no way to fight!

It was clear enough what these cravenly things wanted. They wanted its prize, of course. Why wouldn’t they? It would, after all, if another creature had such delectable fare and it did not. For such was the way of the world. It would take what it wanted so why wouldn’t others as well?

But it would not be so cowardly about it.

Yes, it would make them pay for their cowardice. It would make them pay and then it would make them dead. And after that? Maybe it will them pay some more depending on its mood.

Them? Yes, it was sure there were more than one. Two? Three? Not that it could count. In any case, it did not matter whether there was only this one or if there were more. The end result would very much be the same.

Filled with the righteous indignation and mind-numbing rage that only a truly incensed Rabid Ring-Tailed Badger Bear can muster, it rose up on its rear to face the metal-clad adventurer head on.

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